Baptism is a sign of God’s offer of forgiveness and renewal through Jesus Christ. It also signifies our being adopted into God’s family and our receiving of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.
Adults and older children are baptised on confession of faith, following suitable preparation through exploring the basics of the Christian faith. They also make promises to regularly join together with the congregation, and give of their time, talents and money. For adults this would normally also involve becoming communicant members of the church. For more information see church membership.
Babies and young children can be baptised as the Church of Scotland believes, along with many other denominations, that the promises of God are extended to the children of believers. In the case of infant baptism the Church expects at least one parent or other close family member either to be a member of the Church or willing to become a member.
In the baptismal service those appropriate adults profess their own faith and promise to give the child a Christian upbringing. The congregation will also be asked to play their part in supporting those who are baptised.
Baptism is normally administered at Sunday worship in front of the congregation. This emphasises that we join in the family of God. Baptism involves sprinkling some water over the head whilst the minister says: I baptise you …. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
If you would like to mark and celebrate the birth of your child but you are not sure if you can with integrity confess the Christian faith or commit to the promises made at a baptism, it is possible to ask for a service of thanksgiving and blessing.
At such a service there will be a special prayer said for your child and a blessing spoken over their life. Please discuss with our minister.