Basis of Union and upcoming congregational vote 23rd of February
On Sunday 23rd of February after the 10:30am service (so at approximately 11:30am) all current members and adherents of St Machar's Ranfurly Church will be able to vote on the Basis of Union that has been agreed by the respective kirk sessions. Our congregation will have two votes that day: one on the Basis of Union (i.e. whether you support a union between our church and Freeland Church) and one on whether you accept Rev Kenneth Gray as the minister of the united church. You can only vote in person on the day. If you need transport to church, please let your elder know. Your name will be checked off on the roll on arrival. If you are not sure if you are a member or can be classed as an adherent (someone who regularly worships with us and takes part in the life of the church), please contact Dennis Taylor our session clerk ASAP (email: tel: 01505 612417).
We post the Basis of Union below, as well as some Questions and Answers you may have. We encourage you to come along to the information sessions held by the joint steering group on Sunday 19th January at 2:30pm in St Machar's Ranfurly or Thursday 23rd of January at 7:30pm at Freeland Church. Both meetings are open to members of either congregation.
There is more background information on the process we have made towards this union in the December issue of the Lych Gate magazine, page 4.
Basis of Union
The congregation of St. Machar’s Ranfurly Church of Scotland (SC003766) and the congregation of Freeland Church of Scotland (SC002293) shall be united on 1st April 2025, or from a date to be determined by Presbytery, and that on the following terms and conditions:
1. Name: The name of the united charge shall be Bridge of Weir Parish Church of Scotland and SC002293 will be retained.
2. Transference of Property and Funds: The property and funds belonging to or held on behalf of each congregation shall belong to or be held on behalf of the united charge and any transference necessary shall be duly effected.
3. Places of Worship: The church at present used and occupied by the congregation of Freeland Church of Scotland shall be the place of worship of the united charge. The church at present used by the congregation of St. Machar’s Ranfurly Church of Scotland shall be sold, let or otherwise disposed of subject to the titles on which it is held, subject to the approval of the Presbytery and, if necessary, the General Trustees or the General Assembly. The free proceeds of any such sale or let shall: (a) if falling within the scope of the General Trustees (Delegated Powers) Act (Act 7, 1995) be credited to the benefit of the congregation in the Consolidated Fabric Fund; or (b) if not falling within the scope of the said Act, be held and applied for fabric purposes in connection with the properties of the congregation.
4. Territorial Responsibility: The bounds to be served by the united charge shall be designated as the bounds of the parishes of St. Machar’s Ranfurly Church of Scotland and Freeland Church of Scotland or as the Presbytery shall determine.
5. Kirk Session: The elders of both Kirk Sessions shall form with the minister the Kirk Session of the united charge.
6. Congregational Management: The affairs of the united congregation shall be administered by the Kirk Session in terms of the Unitary Constitution, the Delegation of Assembly being authorised to issue the appropriate Deed of Constitution to the said congregation.
7. Minister: The Rev Kenneth Gray, currently minister at Freeland Church of Scotland shall be the minister of the united charge in terms of section 8.2 of the Presbytery Mission Plan Act (Act 8, 2021).
8. The Manse of the united charge will initially be the manse of Freeland Church. Upon the retirement or other demission of the current minister, a review will be undertaken by the Kirk Session of the united congregation and the manse will then either be retained as the manse of the united congregation or sold, let or otherwise disposed of and a new manse purchased.
The manse of St Machar’s Ranfurly Church will be sold, let or otherwise disposed of; subject to it being retained, if required, for use by the current minister on a caretaker basis after the 3rd March 2025 for a period of up to 6 months, which period may be extended at the discretion of the Kirk Session of the united congregation but subject also to the approval of the Presbytery.
The sale, lease or other disposal of either manse shall be made subject to the titles on which it is held and the approval of the Presbytery and, if necessary, of the General Trustees or the General Assembly. The free proceeds of any such sale or let shall: (a) if falling within the scope of the Church of Scotland General Trustees (Properties, Funds and Endowments) Act (Act 5, 2024), be credited to the benefit of the congregation in the Consolidated Fabric Fund; or (b) if not falling within the scope of the said Act, be held and applied for fabric purposes in connection with the properties of the congregation.
9. Ministerial Support: The stipend of the charge shall be paid in accordance with the terms of the National Stipend Scheme.
10. Power to Readjust: While the articles and terms shall form the Basis of Union for the two congregations now uniting, the united charge shall be free, like other congregations, to adjust arrangements under the authority of Presbytery as need may arise.
Proposed Union Question & Answer Sheet
This Q & A sheet should be read in conjunction with the attached Basis of Union document and also the detailed article on the union published in the church magazines in December by the Session Clerks.
Why is the Basis of Union so important?
The Basis of Union document is a formal part of Church of Scotland Union procedure used nationally in all proposed unions. It covers ten areas, and all churches have to conform to using this proforma. The areas covered are considered to be the key areas where decisions have to be made and agreed before a union can take place. When the congregations come to vote on the union at the end of February they will be voting on the union as described in our amended Basis of Union.
Have there been any developments since the Session Clerks’ article was published in December?
Yes. Rev. Hanneke Marshall has been successful in obtaining a permanent position as an interim minister providing support for Church of Scotland congregations in the west of Scotland. She commences this position on 3rd March 2025.
What are the implications of this for the proposed union?
The proposed date of the Union is 1st April 2025, subject to Presbytery permission. What will the new united church be called? Bridge of Weir Parish Church of Scotland. This was the most popular choice.
What will happen to the St Machar’s Ranfurly church building?
In the first year or so of the union it is possible that it will still be utilised for halls accommodation or for an alternative church sanctuary if the Freeland building site requires temporary closure for renovation. In the longer term it is likely that the building will be sold (as per the presbytery mission plan). It might then be developed for residential property akin to the old Ranfurly church site on Prieston Road. However no final decisions on outcome have yet been made.
What will happen to the Freeland church building?
The Freeland building housing the sanctuary and halls accommodation will become the property of the Bridge of Weir Parish Church. The Kirk Session of Bridge of Weir Parish Church will consider the maintenance and development needs of the building and agree a plan for renovation. The extent of this has yet to be decided.
Who will form the Kirk Session of the Bridge of Weir Parish Church?
All elders who currently sit on the Kirk Sessions of Freeland and St Machar’s Ranfurly churches will join together in the united Kirk Session except for any individuals who choose to retire from active service upon the union.
What about my membership of the church?
If you are currently on the membership roll of one of the two churches, you will automatically be transferred to the roll of the united new church (Bridge of Weir Parish Church). Elders districts will initially continue as they were, although it might be necessary to reallocate some members to different elders if their district is vacant. You will be told about this. If you wish to join another church, you can request your certificate of transference ('lines') with the session clerk. If you want to leave the church altogether, please contact the session clerk.
What will happen to the manses?
The St Machar’s Ranfurly manse will be sold in due course. The Freeland manse will be retained for the continuing accommodation needs of Rev Kenneth Gray and his family.
What will happen to the financial proceeds of the sales of the St Machar’s Ranfurly building and manse?
The majority of the proceeds would be used as a property fund by Bridge of Weir Parish Church. The General Trustees of the Church of Scotland have claim on 10% of the proceeds. (If St Machar’s Ranfurly were to have any outstanding debts at the time of the union, then some of the proceeds would be used to address these.)
I greatly value having an area of service in my church - will I lose this when the churches merge?
Some people may see the time of the union as an opportunity to step down from their area of service. However, we hope many will wish to continue use their energy and talents in the service of their church, and indeed in the service of their Lord. We recognise that being able to continue to fulfil a serving role is important for many and we would trust that the great majority of members will be able to continue in either their current roles or very similar roles.
What would happen if there were a “No” vote re the union in either church, or a “No” vote re Rev Gray as minister in St Machar’s Ranfurly church on 23rd February?
In the first instance a team from the Presbytery would visit the relevant congregation and explore the reasoning behind the “No” vote and likely seek to address any concerns. If this did not resolve matters, then it would be for the Presbytery to adjudicate an outcome and we cannot predict what that would be with any certainty.
What happens to the current employees?
All employees from both Churches will transfer to the new church under TUPE regulations. (These regulations protect employees’ rights when they transfer to a new employer.) It will be for the new Kirk Session of Bridge of Weir Parish Church to decide on what staff requirements they have.